Thursday, February 02, 2006


Revival.... the set four day week of the year where a fat little man comes to town yells from the pulpit and some people get saved.... Hallelujah.. or maybe better stated..amen... "what a revial we had last week, we had visitation teams going and bring people to church and some of them got saved and why we've even been spending hours in prayer for this week that God would work and change lives..what a good week brother...." "amen brother, amen..." am i saying this is a bad thing? well not, but its not a revival.... Oh, God do we need revival, oh, God do I need revival... I'm exahusted form utter stagnation in my life and i'm worn from pseudo spirit filled Christianity... Real revival is not screaming to sell fire insurance to lost people... not that reaching lost people isn't right, just the contrary it is of utmost importance, but revival is just that it's revival. It's a fresh wind and a fresh fire; its Acts chapter 2. It's not set aside a week and ask God to do somthing right then and there it's fall on your knees reptance casting off stagnation calling upon the God who died for us all to revive us, to fill us new and a fresh in grace and power. True revival happens not when we schedule it but when the Holy Spirit leaps into the open and wakes us up from our own ignorance and self works... i have but not to be ignorant anymore...God i submit to you all that i am...let revial, your true revival begin in me... Praise the Lord!

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